Women & Science


Seventeenth Annual Lecture and Luncheon

Sixteenth Annual Lecture and Luncheon

Fifteenth Annual Lecture and Luncheon

Fourteenth Annual Lecture and Luncheon

Thirteenth Annual Lecture and Luncheon

Pearl Meister Greengard Prize

Women in Science at the NIH highlights Rockefeller's Support of Women Scientists


Honorary Chairman

David Rockefeller

Founding Chairmen

Lydia A. Forbes
Isabel P. Furlaud
Nancy M. Kissinger
Sydney R. Shuman

2017 W&S Chairmen

Judith Roth Berkowitz
Debra Black
Rebecca A. John
Denise Kellen
Samantha Boardman Rosen, M.D.
Patricia P. Rosenwald
Lulu C. Wang

2017 W&S Committee

full committee listing

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